08000 209 805

About Us

 We offer services for Solicitors, Estate Agents and individuals.

Here at Safe Search we believe in a more intimate friendly approach to conveyancing. 
We know no matter what the involvement in purchasing a property, it can be stressful, whether acting for a client, or handling the conveyancing personally. That's why we believe in handling each instruction individually, so you get the very best attention to detail and fastest turn around time.

Who We Are

We're a group of Conveyancers and Solicitors who have been in the industry for over 50 years. After being in the industry for so long and witnessing how little care and slow turn around times are produced from large scale factory style conveyancing firms we decided to set up Safe Search with a different way of doing things. Putting you the client first. 

Strategies & Plans

As is every property, every customer is also unique. That's why with our extensive knowlage of the industry we can advice you what reports are best for your property to save you time and money. What might suit a large new build in Bangor might not suit a small terrace house in Cornwall, but by speaking to one of team members who will deal with your property from start to finish, they can advise you whats best.

Quality Care

We're always here for you. with a direct line to all members of our team, whatever you need, whenever you need it, we've got it.

Quality Team

Your conveyancing will be handled by the same expert every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to make sure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
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